Error Detection and Correction

Type Description Example Use
 Check Digit The last digit of a sequence used to check all other digits are correct and in the correct order  Barcodes
 Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ) Used to check that data has been successfully sent by waiting for an acknowledgement of receipt  Email Account Confirmation
Checksum A calculated total of other data sent used to detect changes in bits during transmission  Used for Downloading Installation File
 Parity Check Used to make the total number of 1s sent either even or odd  Checking Odd Paritys

Parity Check

A parity check uses a parity bit to make sure that the data has been sent accurately. Data is sent in bytes, normally made up of 8 bits. In a parity check, the first 7 bits of the byte are the data itself, the last bit is the parity bit.

Odd Parity



Even Parity



In what situation could Parity Checks fail?

If you send two sets of data at once, the Parity Check will fail.



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